Monday, July 23, 2007


With less than 7 days to join as a free member and to be at the right place at the right time is all that I can offer you.

You need to take the first step. You need to Join the hottest new craze that will hit the internet on AUGUST 1 2007, you need to be one of us.

We have the products, we have the customers, we will have everything in place on or before august 1, what we dont have is YOU.


Are you not interested in joining a site that is giving you a FREE MEMBERSHIP? are you not willing to earn as much money as you can with or without any work? are you not willing to save a bundle on any products that you will have access too? how about free or little paid shipping? and how about you buy products at very low cost, sell them via ebay, yard sales, or even your own store?


Join today and be on the simple life to financial freedom, I am not promising you a million dollars, I am giving you the opportunity to make extra cash with little or no work, so why wait?


This site is open world wide, however there is a shortage of CANADIANS.

You have until July 31 2007 to Join the newest hottest craze and money making opportunity on the internet, where we advertise online and offline, we have the products, we have the customers, we will have everything in place on launch date, what we don't have is YOU!

You can earn money on sales, you can earn money sitting on your tush, while you sleep or while you are on holidays, the sales are done for you and payment is like clockwork, so why are you not with us?
There is so much room for you in this business, join today, send in a blank email, click the subscription link and before you know it, this tree will be in your back yard.

So Join today and be on the winning side this time next year.

Only 7 days Left

The VIP Pass. 12 Reasons why you need to get Yours BEFORE 31ST JULY!!

1/ You get discounted Leads
2/ You get Advance Notice of updates and information before other Members
3/ We have our own VIP E-mail address for faster answers
4/ We have a Special Conference Call for VIP's with the Boss every Sunday evening
5/ We get DOUBLE Entries into the Competitions.
6/ We will be VIP Members after Launch and VIP will be withdrawn at that time
7/ So we will be a Very Elite Group within E4L
8/ We will get FREE Customers who approach the company to buy once we launch.
9/ We will be able to participate in co-ops when the Company's TV ads begin. Sharing the leads for approx $30 - $50
10/ We will always get Special Attention, offers and Updates and we will be the first into the New Millionaire's Club
11/ VIP Cruises to Hawaii.
12/ Free Upgrade to Power Buyers Club and Power Sellers Clubs.

Hope that tells you to run to PayPal and buy yours for $20 One time Payment?

Sunday, July 08, 2007


I am here to tell you in as little as possible that you have only 3 weeks to get in the ground floor of this opportunity. Once the site launch's in 3 weeks, you will not be able to join for free, there will be membership fee that you will have to pay, and it will be a yearly fee. WHY NOT JOIN TODAY AND GET A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FREE?

Get Paid to be Entertained, for example if a DVD sold for $18.00 the company would keep $4.00 for admin costs, advertising, and various other costs. That would leave $14.00 left to be shared, however, take that amount and split it down the middle, now that is $7.00, and for another example lets say that we split the $7.00 into 7 levels, which means a dollar per level. So if Joe, and John on the first level purchased the dvd, and Julie on the second and lets say that Rick on the 6th level all bought the same dvd, then you would earn a $1.00 for each person who bought that dvd that is within your matrix, now that means you just made $4.00 and it just does not stop there, lets say that Joe and Rick you personally sponsored and since they purchased the dvd, you make a matching bonus from each personally sponsored person within your matrix, now lets add the total, thats $4.00 in sales, plus $7.00 each because u personally sponsored them giving you a total of $18.00 for joining a free site and getting your MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE FOR LIFE.

See how easy it is that you could be making a substantial amount of cash if you join before AUGUST 1ST AND GET A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE?

Now lets say that you did JOIN and that you did something even better to make even more money and better discounts,
lets say that you decided to become a VIP and you paid the $20.00 to become the VIP, well then you will earn a substantial lot more, there are prizes, trips, the millionaire club and even more in the works. So what are you waiting for? JOIN TODAY UPGRADE THE $20.00 AND BECOME A VIP AND EARN MORE AND SEE YOU AT THE TOP.

This is a public service announcement only to MAKE YOU MONEY AND HELP YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ultimate Traffic Package

I've been doing a lot of reading lately about Private Label Rights (PLR) content. I used to think that it was only for lazy people who didn't want to do their own writing. But as I learn more, I've come up with lots of great ways I can use PLR in my own business.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, PLR is content that you get from the original author along with their permission to use it as your own. So you can get a great report, put your name on it and have your own product to sell or give away!

The first couple of products I created using PLR only took me about half an hour. There have been a few sales so far from them so that was definitely time well spent.

When searching for PLR content to use, I found there were a lot of different types of sites available. Some offered monthly memberships and others offered just one time purchases. So be sure to look around before you decide where to buy.

The site I found that was by far the best was PLRWholesaler. Not only do they have an unbelievable amount of content, but it's completely FREE. Most sites charge an arm and a leg for the amount of content that this guy is giving away.

And although I haven't been through everything yet, what I have read is very good quality. It's stuff you would actually want to use as your own.

Since it's free, I highly recommend that you check out PLRWholesaler and see if they have anything that you can use in your business. There just may be an ebook or audio recording that you could quickly brand with your information and start selling to your list.

Check it out and let me know what you think...