Sunday, July 08, 2007


I am here to tell you in as little as possible that you have only 3 weeks to get in the ground floor of this opportunity. Once the site launch's in 3 weeks, you will not be able to join for free, there will be membership fee that you will have to pay, and it will be a yearly fee. WHY NOT JOIN TODAY AND GET A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FREE?

Get Paid to be Entertained, for example if a DVD sold for $18.00 the company would keep $4.00 for admin costs, advertising, and various other costs. That would leave $14.00 left to be shared, however, take that amount and split it down the middle, now that is $7.00, and for another example lets say that we split the $7.00 into 7 levels, which means a dollar per level. So if Joe, and John on the first level purchased the dvd, and Julie on the second and lets say that Rick on the 6th level all bought the same dvd, then you would earn a $1.00 for each person who bought that dvd that is within your matrix, now that means you just made $4.00 and it just does not stop there, lets say that Joe and Rick you personally sponsored and since they purchased the dvd, you make a matching bonus from each personally sponsored person within your matrix, now lets add the total, thats $4.00 in sales, plus $7.00 each because u personally sponsored them giving you a total of $18.00 for joining a free site and getting your MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE FOR LIFE.

See how easy it is that you could be making a substantial amount of cash if you join before AUGUST 1ST AND GET A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FOR FREE?

Now lets say that you did JOIN and that you did something even better to make even more money and better discounts,
lets say that you decided to become a VIP and you paid the $20.00 to become the VIP, well then you will earn a substantial lot more, there are prizes, trips, the millionaire club and even more in the works. So what are you waiting for? JOIN TODAY UPGRADE THE $20.00 AND BECOME A VIP AND EARN MORE AND SEE YOU AT THE TOP.

This is a public service announcement only to MAKE YOU MONEY AND HELP YOU TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAMS!